Hey There I'm Lily
Hi, my name is Lily Harman. I'm an aspiring writer who is studying creative writing and publishing at the University of the Sunshine Coast. I currently work in retail and am working on multiple projects, such as a podcast called 'The Tea Room,' and a trilogy book series based on three alternate realities that co-exist. I write because it helps me look beyond reality itself. Creating something is simply exhilarating, and bringing what I imagine to life, makes doing what I love ten times better. Over the years I've struggled with accomplishing this dream. However, with the support and love of my family and friends I've taken the jump. Studying what I want, creating what I want. What could go wrong right? My main goal is to publish and become an author writing predominately for Fantasy, Romance and sci-fi.
Besides writing, I enjoy music, reading and going out with friends on new adventures. I studied music for over twelve years of my life and played multiple instruments such as violin, cello, and piano. I adore reading as a pass time, seeing as it's an escape from stress and anxiety. I once read twenty books in one month, and haven't beat my record yet!
My Aspirations
We come up with a list of ideals that we want to accomplish in our lifetime. I've noticed over the years my list has changed. At one time or another, I wanted to be a teacher, play music and spread what I love with other children. However, with my love of writing, I finally realised what was actually calling to me. To be an author, that's what I aspire to be amongst other goals and business endeavours I have planned. I want to write in all forms of genres, work on movie and tv show scripts and even maybe one day walk on a red carpet. High dreams I know, but nothing is ever impossible. People who tell you that are wrong, and that's what I tell myself every time I think I can't achieve something. Amongst becoming a writer I would love to own a business, and that would be a book cafe during the day and a boardgame cocktail bar at night. It's an idea I've had stored in my mind since the first year of high school, and I will continue to dream big and aim for my goals in the future.
Even with my goal to be an author I strive to work alongside people who have similar aspirations. Maybe even work in a publishing house such as Penguin Random Publishing, Pinterest, Wattpad or Tumblr. All these platforms spark my interest in the writing field. As for working I'd love either working remotely, as a freelancer or in house.